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Members include most anyone Entrepreneur who is interested in performing one of many Administrative, IT, Marketing, or Hospitality positions. Please refer to the many positions we are seeking to fill on our Meet Our Professionals, in order to consider your area of interest and email us to arrange a consultation with regards to taking the next step forward.
Businesses and Medi-care Clients are able to enrol to receive some discounts on treatments and services while further performing due diligence on MediTour. They must have paid their initial Membership Fee of $45 Cdn or $35 US. Businesses are able to list information and 2 photos regarding their goods or services in the MT template and will receive a monthly newsletter. They are also temporarily able to receiving market exposure for their business on the MT website.They currently have up to 6 months to take the MT Oath and start putting in place their Assurity Bond.
Have joined as an Investigator Member, taken the Oath of Sustainability, Ethicacy and Transparency and have begun to put their Assurity Bond in place but are not as yet in full standing.
Has completed the previous levels of Membership and have fully worked off their Assurity Bond.They are able to take advantage of the various benefits available to Members, which include Merchant Fee discounts, Insurance, Fleet, Car Rental, and Airline discounts, as well as a collection of business tools that are available online.
These Members have accomplished all aspects of the previous levels and are regularly taking contracts and contributing to their equity base.
These similarly have accomplished all aspects of the previous levels and are both a Provider and a Consumer of services on a regular basis.
These similarly have accomplished all aspects of the previous levels and also sit on a committee that regularly consults back to the Board Member responsibility to their committee as per a specified time period.
These similarly have accomplished all aspects of the previous levels and has sat on the Board for a specified time.
These are Members who join the organization over the first six months of 2022, when the increased risk associated with any Startup is rewarded with a number of benefits provided to those considered the Founders.They too paid their Investigator Membership Fee and then contributed sweat equity in any of a variety of capacities as adjudicated according to the Organization’s needs. They will have $2,400 Cdn or $2,000 US or more in equity and this will stand as their portion of Equity Ownership. There is the potential to join at at later phase and similarly be deemed a Founding Member by contributing a valuable and essential skill set.
Are engaged in a variety of instructional capacities from brand new Startups to those who are ready to expand their business and go Public and all the guidance available in between. These members may also be Founding Members. They have the opportunity to determine whether they want to invest in the Startup, and/or make an investment opportunity available to other Members.
The various types of Memberships also are broken down further by Series, depending upon the Business Accelerator package Members acquire.
The initial fee of $45 Cdn allows one to become an Associate Member in order to perform due diligence whilst test running the marketing aspects of the Cooperative for up to 6 months prior to any further commitment. As an Associate, any established business, Startup, new or esteemed Entrepreneur will have the ability to evaluate a range of discounts from legal, accounting and marketing, merchant fees, liability and travel insurance, as well as a communication, educational and mentorship portal.
Members of any status can post two photos and a description of their goods or services and access assistance to package their product(s) with others. However, only Full Members can access product spotlights, the uni-level residual income network, the business discounts or the Mentorship Program as they package their goods and services into market ready product.
Associate Members cannot participate in any of the other business discounts and benefits, or the uni-level residual income strategy, until they have taken an Oath of Sustainability, Ethicacy and Transparency and put at least 3/4 of their Assurity Bond in place. Associate Members retain this status until they have put a minimum of $1,500 Cdn in sweat equity toward a Performance/Surety Bond and have put insurance in place.
All professionals are vetted and had their medical or practitioner's licenses verified, as well as any certifications, accreditations and medical facilities reviewed.