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Sugar Bird Charitable Foundation

Who we are

Sugar Bird Charitable Foundation

In addition to developing an Accelerator to assist Small Businesses to operate more successfully, this Medical Tourism endeavour is a fundraiser for the Sugar Bird Charitable Foundation and their charitable international affiliates.

The long view on this project is to form an organization large enough to not only assist Entrepreneurs and Startups operate more professionally, but to create a healthy micro economy within the larger Global Economy. The ambition being to form a community substantial enough to have significant levels of purchasing power, as well as other large internal and external economies of scale. There is also a consideration for adopting a cryptocurrency that could be stabilized by having it backed by a Reserve Fund consisting of Assurity Bonds, as in operates within legal parameters and tax laws.

The intent being to create a multiplier effect outside the present monetary system that will produce an independent economy, less subject to the vagaries, corruption and vulnerabilities of our current monetary system. It will also circumvent the instability of the cryptocurrencies.

MediTours, being a not-for-profit Multi-Stake Cooperative operating for the enhancement of For Profit businesses, has been designed as a fundraiser for the Sugar Bird Charitable Foundation (SBCF). A 1% donation is added to each travel package sold by MediTours. The Multi-Stake Cooperative is to work with the Sugar Bird Charitable Foundation (SBCF) to provide tax receipted donations on each Travel Package. The SBCF encourages a grass roots approach to more conscious consumption, and the alleviation of poverty through various mental health approaches, as we all work to adopt better sustainability practices.

The SBCF has been in operation since 2006 and works in partnership with the Habitat for Humanity, the Shinah House Foundation, World Vision and the David Suzuki Foundation.

The pillars and mission of both the MediTour Accelerator and the Sugar Bird Charitable Foundation is to Live in harmony with Ourselves, our Neighbour and our Planet.

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